Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 1: Elizabeth Bishop- Exchanging Hats, A Prose on personal, sexual and gender identity?

     I believe that the poem "Exchanging Hats" written by Elizabeth Bishop is depicting the fluidity of gender, sexuality and personality. However, I'd like to focus on Gender and Sexuality as of right now. I feel that because of these themes, this poem will stay relevant, for a very long time, if not forever. To begin I'd like to state that Gender is what you identify as, not your biological sex. SEX, is what your genitalia depicts. It is obviously very possible to be sexually male, and female in gender. It is also extremely possible to to be somewhere in between in both sex and gender. Currently the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual) community is fighting to have such facts recognized. For some reason, our society believes (for the most part) that gender is dichotomous, and we know its not. Not all girls where make up and dresses and not all men smoke, drink and swear like sailors. We need to allow for everyone to express themselves freely, it is unfair to portray that certain groups don't exist because they do not classify as gender male, or gender female.
      Also along these lines is sexuality. There is not only homosexual or heterosexual. There is pansexuality and bisexuality as well. Some wont even acknowledge homosexuality as a legitimate sexual preference. We all know the LGBT community is already alienated in our much larger society. Many homosexuals don't acknowledge bi and pan sexuals as part of their community they say it is one or the other you like men or you like women, you can't like both. It is a shame that some of  the people most discriminated against are discriminating their kindred spirits.

    The reason I mention gender is because in the poem, Bishop depicts here uncles and aunts as switching personalities as simply as removing or putting on a hat. This is an act I feel describes as previously stated the fluidity of personality and gender, perhaps explaining personal innner turmoil. Similar to that felt by those previously mentioned.

Here's the poem link, Incase you are interested: Exchanging Hats


  1. some important points about gender, vis a vis physical sex, etc--can you discuss a bit how these issues apply to Bishop's poem ?

  2. Hey Taylor, I agree with everything you've said :). I especially appreciated the fact that Bishop made no apologies for the sentiment she was expressing. From the beginning of the poem, we have a very good idea of what she's talking about. In fact, my favorite part of the poem (so far) is "...we share your slight transvestite twist / in spite of our embarrassment." I think this speaks to the idea of "kindred spirits" that you mention. I think the kind of share Bishop means is not only sharing in the moment, but a literal sharing--we all have the same "transvestite twist" in our own way.

    What was your favorite part of the poem?

  3. who is the speaker in this poem?
